Riders will be ranked using the eGAP method (eGAP is the time difference between your finish time and the winner’s finish time in the same timeslot). Zwift Racing Score categories (0-350 / 350-500 / 500-600 / 600-700 / 700-1000) will be used for accurate rankings.
Your Zwift Racing Score after Stage 1 – Santa Maria iTT will be your official Zwift Racing Score for the entire tour.
Riders must complete both ITTs (Stage 1 and Stage 9) to remain eligible for the GC. They may miss any scratch race stages, with penalties applied for those missed stages. The penalty will be the worst eGAP of the day (from any of the four slots) within their respective category.
eGap calculations will always be made only between registered riders.
Registered riders racing any stage outside of their correct Azores Tugaz Tour category – defined by their racing score after the first stage (ITT) – will be penalized with an additional 120 seconds to their stage time – and eGap calculated afterwards on their correct category. So, official results and eGaps may be different from what you are expecting from the Zwift(power) race results.
If the same rider races two (or more) time slots in the same stage, only the first completed time slot will be considered for official results.
There will be team rankings, with the best FOUR eGAP results from each team contributing to the team ranking. An average team eGap per stage will be calculated from those best four results, giving points per stage. Zwiftpower team will be considered for unregistered riders.
Results will be available in this website and will be updated at least once a day, hopefully always before the first time slot of a new stage starts.
Heart rate monitors (HRM) are required. Power verification may be requested for any athlete, who will have 3 days to submit it or face disqualification. Abnormal performances may lead to event disqualification.
No Power UPS and no steering allowed in any race. During iTT stages, drafting will be disabled, and TT bikes will be mandatory.
All riders must be registered on www.zwiftpower.com. Participants must also keep their activities public on Zwift and Strava, as not doing it so may also lead to disqualification if any abnormal performance is reported by a rider.